
Let’s talk about it!

What do you think: is good management young and dynamic, or rather more mature and wise?
Krisztina Horváth
ELMÜ-Émász Group
Member of the Board, CFO
The question compels me to refer back: where, in what sort of company, for what sort of task?

Are we talking about a dynamic little IT start-up with a small head-count and a team consisting of a few young employees who like to experiment, and for whom handling modern tech devices comes completely naturally? Or are we talking about a company that has been around for decades, operating in a set market, with thousands of employees, and with processes that are regulated in full detail?

What is the company’s area of work? Is it an oil refinery, where extensive experience is an advantage? Or is it a car sharing application, which is a relatively new activity, so the market hasn’t yet groomed wise old owls? And what is the goal? To venture onto paths yet unexplored, to look for unusual markets, and to say yes to impossible undertakings with a smile? Or is the goal to constantly weigh the options at hand, balancing among many interests, perhaps even many owners, looking for a prudent optimum? Anyhow, how high is the owners’ propensity to take risks?

In no way is this list of questions complete, but it does serve to highlight the fact that no uniform answer exists. The right solution to each situation is different, and depends upon the collective consideration of a number of factors. For this reason, large companies have the luxury of having management teams consisting of 5-7-9 or even more members, each bringing different qualities to the table, enabling them to in turn attract different qualities themselves. And this is good news: there is a place in the market for young and dynamic managers and more mature and wise managers alike. As for companies, they will be able to realize their strategies in a more efficient manner if they are able to find the management team that best fits their purposes.